- Read, read, execute.
- You can learn anything if you can effectively search Google, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.
- Where that fails, reach out directly to an expert. Do that only after you've at least read their book, listened to a podcast, or listened to them on youtube.
- Today, the rate limiting factor on learning has more to do with your will to learn.
- Get the fuckin' money.
- It's okay to change your mind
- Have the tough conversation
- Get the big things right and the little things will take care of themselves: Your education, your career choice, your work ethic, who you marry, who you work with, your skill set, your compensation, your health, your outlook, how you think about the world and the commitment you make to yourself about continually learning and improving.
- As often as you can, read the source text and primary data to generate your own opinion.
- Don’t talk about it, be about it.
- Have a wingman
- You want control without ownership
- When in doubt, go direct. The closest distance between two points is a straight line.