Do the basics to carry you through
Sitting here bedside with my father-in-law while he’s recovering from pneumonia is a good reminder of the frailty of life. Now as a father myself, it reminds me how important my health will be to my own daughter 30-50 years from now. Let’s assume your strength and wellness is on a curve where the strength, flexibility, and conditioning you attain in your 20-30s.
Since I last checked (think 2-3 years), I was squarely north of the 1000 lb club. I was at to 280 bench, 350 squat, and 495 deadlift. Probably hovering in the 10-12 pull ups zone on a good day.
New Years season 2025 feels a good a time as ever to get back into the gym and check on some of these numbers and maybe get a timed mile run in, which is always my least favorite thing.
Maybe high time to get my physical and blood work in too again…
I was listening to Michael Milken talk about the healthcare work they’re doing at the Milken Institute with so many healthcare breakthroughs and I gotta say, just staying healthy, longer should give time for precision medicine to keep us healthy for a long long time. Better start with basic prevention - yearly physical, exercise, and clean up my diet. Good a time as any other with all the other folks doing so.
Cheers to everyone else cleaning up their health and wellness in 2025!
Don’t Wait
The first of five invitations when working with death is “don’t wait.” Interpret that in any way that comes to mind and the message is clear - make that phone call…say what you think should be said. If death is always with us as the counterbalance to life, it’s clear the time is always now.