My Big Why: I've been given the gift of living in the future. Everyday I work with entrepreneurs and scientists who work relentlessly on technologies that can potential save and improve millions of lives. It's an honor and a responsibility to help shepherd these inventions into the world and maximize their impact.

I love the pursuit of identifying and closing new deals. I'm relentless and persistent when it comes to the chase.

I love people and in-person meetings. It gives me energy that seems limitless at times.

I thrive on good news and momentum. Stagnation is the enemy.

I'm a treasure hunter in constant pursuit of the secrets in life.

Personality - ESTP turned ENFP - ”The Champion” over the last decade. For the enneagram folks, I’m a 3w2 ”The Charmer/Enchanter”

Operating Approach: I think like an owner and partner because I often am an owner and partner. I’m motivated by asymmetric bets and new ideas. I think in terms of business development and win-win-win outcomes whenever possible. I prioritize working on interesting problems with great people.

Manager Handbook

Manager Style